Leo Kai Convictions - Music Post

Something a little bit different for my blog a cd review! I hope all you beauty bloggers don't mind me doing one and don't worry there shall be a new beauty review coming soon.

I'm always listening to music and this last year I've gotten into more local smaller bands and one in particular has been Leo Kai who is a singer/songwriter. I first heard of him when he joined a band We Are Saviours , he has a lovely voice and plays the piano and guitar beautifully.

The person behind Leo Kai is Leo Ismail, the Kai comes from the name of his guitar which was named by his best friend. His music is quite deep and almost soulful but he does have quite an edgy voice which is always really clear. Ha has released a 8 track album called Convictions which featured a Maroon 5 cover, original songs written by Leo and two remixes of the beautifully written Heartbeat. The cd features artwork designed by Leo, as well as a rather cool cd design!

My favorite track has to be Get Things Right which is the first track on the album,it's make's me smile yet it's quite a meaningful song the lyrics are also quite truthful which I really like. I also love the harmony on the song it all works and fits in perfectly.

His eight track cd is available to download for £4 or to receive a physical copy of the cd you just pay an extra 50p the album is available from his Big Cartel
You can also find him on Facebook or Twitter

Let me know if you stop by and listen to his music or buy the album, and if you would like some more cd review's let me know in the comments!


  1. Oh I must go and have a listen, I haven't heard of him before

  2. I have never heard of him either.....I'm all for listening to new music! Must go and have a listen :)

  3. Oh I've never heard of this guy before off to try and find some of his music to have a listen to :) x

  4. have to say I haven't heard of him either, sorry. Shall have to have a look now :)

  5. thanks for this :)

    found it randomly the other day on google ^_^
