Browdrama Review

I have a love hate relationship with my brows sometimes they look fab and I'm really pleased and then other days I just want to shave them off! It partially because I have dyed my hair so much now my natural hair is a lot darker then my eyebrows meaning I have to draw them on or I'll look silly. I was always a pencil girl but then while in Superdrug I was having a look at the eyebrow palette's when the Browdrama from Maybelline caught my eye.

I picked up shade medium brown as that is what I would class my hair as and I wanted to create a brow look which matched my hair. The Browdrama is a Sculpting Brow Mascara so the brush is just like a mascara brush which the same sort of liquid that you would get in a mascara. I find as it has a large brush is makes it really easy to use, I brush is along my eyebrow and then just take my finger and very gentle brush over blending in again to dark or to light areas.

I love how it makes my brows look and feel, I was worried that putting on a liquid it would go hard on my brow and look unnatural but it didn't it left my brows soft. It also shaped my brows and added hair to areas I needed some more hair added. I was impressed as it lasted all day and didn't wear of after a day at work or a day walking round down. The only downside is how hard it is to take of, even my bioderma has trouble and I feel the need to really scrub at my brows which worries me about what damage I may be doing!

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