Summer Hit List - Perfume

This is the last in my little series of Summer Hit List! I've hoped you have like this kind of post and have been enjoying seeing what I have been loving, don't worry I have loads more beauty reviews coming up as well as some lifestyle post's but here goes with my two go to summer scents!

The first one is Vera Wang Bejeweled a perfume that I use on special occasions or when I'm going out as it's such a lovely summer scent and last's all day on my skin. It's on the pricey side which is why I tend to use it when going out or special occasions but I prefer using it in summer then in winter.

My second go to product is One Direction's Our Moment, I don't really like there music but there perfume is spot on for the perfect summer scent! I've been using it daily over the last month and love how it smells and lasts all day. It's not to expensive so I don't mind using it daily but it's such a lovely scent and the bottle quite adorable to!

What has been your favorite scent this last month?

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1 comment:

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    Have a great weekend :)
