WLW March Update

This month has been quite fun with me starting my new healthy diet and using Weight Watchers so I've had quite a good food month. I've also been doing some workouts not that many but around one big hour long one a week which has kept me on my toes. I have however been ill a few times this month and don't feel like my weight has been a true match so this month I shall be sharing my food diary with you but not sharing my weigh in!

Weight Watchers is a really great way to diet as you are given points and then each food has a point value, so I have 24 in a day and I can eat as much as I want as long as it is only 24 points. My family has used this diet and it has worked well, I used it a few months ago and lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks so I can't wait to really go for it this time.

I have a serving of Granola for breakfast with skimmed milk, I find it's filling and tasty while having enough variety I won't get bored. My favorite style is clusters with raisins but at the moment I'm using a fruit one which is just as tasty and just as filling. This meal is 3 points.

At home I have a rice packet or some pasta which is filling and healthy while staying in my points range of just 4 points a meal.
For work it's a sandwich and a fruit pot which is a bit more points at 6 which stays in my range but there is a big difference.

I always have a healthy meal at home which is cooked for by my family I normally have a zero pointed vegatable mix and something added like salmon/lamb/chicken which is around 3 points, which is great for a dinner.

The best bit about Weight Watchers is you can snack on anything so if I want chocolate I can or if i want some cake then I shall!

So that's it for today post, hopefully I won't be ill next week and I can actually weigh myself!

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