Bare Faced Beauty

I have awful confidence when it comes to going without make up and rely on it far to much, so I set myself a little challenge to go without make up at least two times a week and to wear minimum make up on the other days. It's been a bit of a struggle but I've learnt to love my face over the last few weeks and wanted to share with you today how I have done it and my experiences.

I feel my skin is uneven, spotty, greasy and just a mess with no make up on so for me wearing make up builds my confidence and makes me feel complete in a way. I normally wear heavy and thick foundation with a lot of concealer and it's normally full coverage MAC, if I'm having a particular bad day I wear shades and hide my face behind my hair so for me this was a hard thing to do but I felt like I needed to build my confidence so that's why I have changed my routine.

No make up!

At first I would attempt to try and cheat my way through my personal challenge so my two days of not wearing make up would be days off and spent indoors. For a while this worked but then I felt like I was really cheating my way out of the experience so I started really slow, a walk to the corner shop or collecting my brother from school which helped me a lot. I was really nervous and felt quite scared but after a while I noticed no one actually cared, there was no comments or looks and no one stopped me to tell me I look awful.

Basic make up!

For days when I would be out all day or I would be at work I would use a BB cream which gave me a light covering of foundation that would cover my skin and give me a nice glow but still left it quite bare. This really help and although I felt a little scared of my first day again the same thing happened no one noticed or made any comments.

So the idea of this post is to share with you my experiences of going make up free but to also let you know that it's not a big deal. Yes I shall still be using my BB cream and on nights out I shall be going back to my MAC but I will also wear my face with pride on my make up free days and shall also be trying to do a few days in town shopping or a day at work with no make up on to really push myself.

Let me know your thoughts on this topic and how well you feel you would cope going make up free?

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  1. You don't need to be self conscious, you look lovely without makeup :) I've actually just done a series of posts on this where I went foundation free for a fortnight, if you want to take a look it's at :) I agree that it's so good to do it and learn to be more comfortable with your skin :) xxx
