Lifestyle | Giving Blood

For 2018 I wanted to become more helpful and the one thing I was really interested in doing is giving blood, it's something I thought about before but never really got round to doing it. So I looked online to see what the deal was and it turned out to be easier then I first thought.

To sign up you need to register online here this is a really simple thing to do and in ten minutes your done, it's just your name and contact details also where you want to donate. Then pick a centre and date and time and you have sorted it all out, super simple and easy.

Before going do a little questionnaire to make sure you can still donate it's just a little are you feeling well test, if you pass go along to the centre if not just re book. After that it tells you everything you need to know, like eat a meal before you go, don't exercise the day before and drink water before you go in.

So it's the day of giving blood, go into the place you need to be and fill in a form then you will be asked some questions to see of your fit to give blood. A small pin prick test is done to make sure your not anemic and then you just go and drink a bottle of water. A very simple and easy set of things to do, nothing to stressful and nothing to worry about.

You will then be placed in a seat that tilts you back and a needle inserted for the blood to go into the bags, this is placed on a scale so you can't give to little or to much blood. It took around 6 minutes for me to be done, I was given instructions so I didn't feeling unwell like crossing and uncrossing your legs and then I was slowly sat back up.

I was then taken to a snack table and given a drink and a bar of chocolate, after ten minutes I was done!

The whole thing takes around an hour and is really easy and simple to do, it wasn't painful and I was dealt with by professional and helpful people the whole time. It is something I shall be doing for the whole of 2018 and the next year after that. I hope this helps you out in some way if your looking at giving blood and hopefully it will encourage at lease one person to go give blood.

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