The 69 Eyes - Universal Monsters Review

It's no secret now that I love Finnish rock/metal bands so when one of my favorite band The 69 Eyes released a new album I was very excited to get my hands on one. If you like heavier metal bands and much more mature rock then you will like The 69 Eyes and there deep dark vocals with such heavy sounds.

The cd is only £9.99 in HMV and comes with 11 tracks, the cover and cd itself is dark and black with striking silver titles before going dark and faded on the back. It has a shot of the band and a close up of Jyrki69 on the cover which is almost intimidating and daring you to pick the album up which I love. A great feature with the cd is the booklet inside actually folds out making it easy for you to pick a different headshot of a band member for the album artwork, which I thought was a really great added touch and really makes the album about the whole band and not just the lead singer.

The first single which was released on 15th January was Jet Fighter Plane which was the perfect taster for the album with it's catchy track that sticks in your head all day and meaningful lyrics it really got you wanting more and really took them back to there classic days when the music really meant something.

One of my favorite tracks is Miss Pastis which starts with a catching beat that keeps you hooked throughout the song, Jryki's vocals start with a hint of fun that lead you through the song with soft sounds that lead into impressive riffs, it's a very catchy song that will make you want to listen to it over and over.

Stiv and Johnny is another favorite with its heavy guitar riffs that lead into a deep dark hauntingly beautiful song that you almost don't want to end. The lyrics are quite deep with this song and if you listen and take it all in it really makes you love the song. 

Have you got your hands on a copy of the new Universal Monsters album, let me know your favorite track!

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  1. Great Album... My favorite songs
    01. jerusalem
    02. blue
    03. Rock 'n´roll Junkie

  2. Great Album... My favorite songs
    01. jerusalem
    02. blue
    03. Rock 'n´roll Junkie
