Sally Hansen Fiery Island Review

I was after a warm deep orange nail varnish and was really struggling to find the right shade until I went into boots and noticed Sally Hansen did a really nice one called Fiery Island for £6.99. Usually I would buy nail varnish for around the £4 mark but as I was so stressed out I though bugger it! and brought it.

I love the shade it's reminds me of Autumn and halloween, while being all warm and chic. I have a few items from the Sally Hansen range and her nail varnish never fail to amaze me, they go on well as they have a nice large brush I also find with two coats you get a nice bold glossy colour. I wore mine for around 7-10 days before they got way to chipped and I had to remove it.

I've noticed recently there are more and more Sally Hansen products in discount shops, which is a great way for me to get my kick without spending £6.99 on one nail varnish! Recently I picked up a manicure set for around the £3 mark and I saw some products in the pound shop / savers.

What your Autumn must have nail varnish?

Keep In Touch, XoXoXo


  1. What a gorgeous colour, certainly perfect for Autumn. Definitely worth that little bit extra. You're so lucky having them in pound shops too - I can never find any :(

    Kayleigh xo

  2. This is such a pretty shade !
    One of my favorite formulas
