Beauty | Zoella Deck The Baubles

When I got this gift for Christmas I was overjoyed just by the look of it as the little golden bubbles where screaming for me to use them. I was not disappointing in the product and how well it worked, I've used it only a handful of times but it's already my favorite bubble bath.

The design is very cute and festive with gold shimmery bubble bath in the large bauble and lovely gold and red touches. I love how it looks and its hard to not flaunt it about as it's just to adorable of a product, I also love how it looks almost like it should be apart of Harry Potter with it's gold shimmering!

The scent is sweet as it's Gingerbread and warm vanilla which I love, its a really warming homely scent which is very relaxing. The glitter adds some shimmer to the bath and looks impressive when bathing but also doesn't stained on the skin which I was worried about. I found you need to use around four - five table spoons to get a really large amount of bubbles in the bath or just two - three to make a really nice subtle bubble effect.

For only £5 you can't go wrong with these bubbles, whats your go to bubble bath?

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