E.L.F Makeup Mist and Set Review

Makeup mist's are not that well known I don't hear that many people talking about them and there not that well seen on the shelves off most stores. I've only tried out two which are the MUA and E.L.F ones which both work great but I've been using the E.L.F one for the last month and thought I would do a little review as it's a great product to own.

The packaging is simple and basic which is a great look, it's a plastic bottle with white writing I own the 60ml bottle which is the perfect makeup bag sized bottle. The product has some great ingredients in such as Aloe, Green Tea, Cucumber and Vitamins A,C and E which are brilliant for the skin ,as it doesn't have any strong scented ingredients in the product it has a nice natural scent.

Using the product is simple and easy as all you do is hold the bottle out and spritz onto the face with make up on I use around 3 spritz which is enough to cover the face, the product settles and sinks into the skin really quickly and doesn't leave me with a sticky face or a wet face which is prefect when applying make up. I think the main concern with the product is after you have put your makeup on spraying a liquid onto it will ruin your makeup look but I can 100% say it won't ruin or wreck your makeup I even use it on mascara and it does't smudge or ruin my makeup!

Overall the product is a great one to own as it doesn't have any nasty ingredients, it's an affordable product at £3.95 and it works well!

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  1. I bought this when ELF were doing one of their flash sales and I have to admit, I think it does nothing for me. Certainly doesn't smudge or ruin my make up but it doesn't hold it in place either.

    1. That's a shame! Have you tried the MUA one? it's nice and affordable but works great as well xx

  2. Yeah I was wondering about that, as I'm looking to get the UD one for my wedding, but was considering giving this a go, does it actually prolong makeup wear?xxx

    1. I would say without the mist my make up last's around 4 hours and with the mist around 6 so it does prolong the make up but only by a few hoursxx
