Beauty - Hello Mouthwash Mojito Mint

I have been after this mouthwash since I saw it in my local Superdrug but as I was still finishing a bottle from another brand I didn't pick it up, then to my horror my store decided to remove it from the shelves and stop stocking it. But on a recent trip to Reading I managed to pick up the Mojito Mint flavour as there are three to choose from, at just £5.99 for a giant 473 ml bottle it's worth the price.

Mojio is my favorite cocktail so picking a mouthwash with the same minty taste seem pretty natural to me, my sister however turns her nose up at the idea of rinsing her mouth with the taste of a cocktail. However the taste is much more about the mint side of things and as there is no alcohol in the bottle I won't be getting giddy from one rinse!

That's another thing that attracted me to the mouthwash the fact there's no alcohol, as some of you may get that burning feeling when rinsing your mouth that's the main cause. As well as being alcohol free there are no dyes or artificial sweeteners making this product naturally friendly, which is always a bonus.

Overall it gives me that minty fresh clean feeling while leaving my teeth squeaky clean which is something I was after, while I was still looking for a funky bottle which would look good on my shelve and I most certainly got that with this egg looking design! What's your favorite mouthwash to reach for?

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