The Return Of Weight Loss Wednesday!

This year one of my new years resolutions is to lose some weight as at the moment I'm extremely unhappy about my looks and my confidence is hitting a new low. Last year I attempted to do Weight Loss Wednesday and was doing well before falling off the band wagon and giving up, so this year I've decided to start again but instead of writing a new post each week I shall be doing a monthly one to keep you up to date we diet's that are working well or exercise's which are good and of course I shall be doing weigh in's as well!

So to start with here are my stats:

Weight 31.12.2014 - 14 Stone 5 pounds
Dress Size - 18

For the next month I shall be doing the Davina workout dvd at least twice and week and shall be doing the Slim Fast diet to kick start my weight loss!

Let me know if you are also dieting and if you are doing some posts as I would love to read them! So I shall see you next month with an update, fingers crossed I loss some weight!

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  1. I can't believe that I weigh more now than I did any time I was at Uni, so my New Year's resolution is to get down to my target weight. I'm going to be doing Blogilates at home every other evening and after reading I Quit Sugar, I'm gonna be doing the 8-week detox and see where I go from there :) I'll definitely be posting recipes! Good luck with your journey! xx

    1. Sounds great! I hope you reach your target weight, I love a good detox I always feel fab after doing them but can only last a few days when I do them! x
