Blog Help | Ways To Promote Your Blog

For today's post I'm going to be doing another helpful post but today I wanted to share my tips and tricks on how to promote your blog, it's a great thing to do and one that can really benefit you and your blog. But there is also a right way to go about it so let's get started in how to promote your blog the right way.

First up social media is a must so get onto Twitter, Instagram and Facebook either using your name or your blog name. Once you have your accounts ready to go you want to follow other bloggers as well as brands that you know and love, this way it will come in handy when you need to tag them in a post. However when it comes to following people make sure you stay friendly and interact don't just promote, if they update there status comment on it and ask genuine questions not just a 'that's great check out my post!'

A great platform to promote on is Stumbleupon this is a site that allows you to upload your blog posts and shares it with 1000's of people, allowing you to drive traffic to your blog and also a great place to check out other bloggers. However be warned you must like around 10 posts before sharing one as the site will flag you as spam and not share them, so like 10 post one like 10 post one etc.

Joining groups on Facebook is a fun and helpful way to spread your blog posts, weather it's a comment thread or someone asking for a review on a product you've recently wrote about, then you are covered by joining a few groups. Keep it to around 2-3 though as you don't want to get caught up in forgetting groups rules, and it will be easier to keep up with the groups by only liking a few.

Twitter chats are a must when it comes to promoting, when I first started blogging I joined it as many chats as I could and quickly gain a social media following. It's fun and a fast paced world in a Twitter chat but sharing your link at the end of one is very rewarding, keep up with the chat and join in as much as you can and it will make it easy to spread your link at the end if people already recognise   your name.

So there are my top tips on how to promote your blog! In a nutshell you just need social media and the willpower to chat to others and not just leave your link, what tips would you give to someone wanting to promote there blog?

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