Lifestyle | The Perfect Sunday

I'm a big believer in spending a least one day a week relaxing and spending a little moi time on myself, this is a great way to relax and hit the reset button before a nothing busy and stressful week. I tend to have my perfect days on Sundays and take pleasure in relaxing.

I start my days with a long relaxing shower and use my favorite products included a hair mask and a face mask, I place enough body butter on to keep me going a month then my favorite snuggled clothes to keep me cosy and warm all day.

After my morning pamper I love to read blogs with a cup of tea and also catch up on any vlogs I've missed, it great to have some time online but this is all I normal have on my perfect days. After my catch up online it's time to do some reading at the moment its Stephen Kings Bazaar Of Dreams which is the perfect book to keep me on my toes.

Mid morning is a great time to catch up with family so I call my loved ones and spend a great hour talking about all things that have happened through the week and catch up on the gossip. It's always good to speak to loved ones and socialize even if you are having the day to yourself.

In the evening I normally snuggle down with a good horror and scare myself silly before a quiet night in. My favorite horrors are classic 80's which always have the best jump scares and good bit of gore, it's always good to give yourself a scare before going to bed!

That's my Perfect Sunday let me know yours in the comments below.

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