Dove Oxygen and Moisture Shampoo

I'm a sucker for anything on promotion or if something looks different I pretty much have to buy it, so while browsing my local Boots I came across the Dove Oxygen and Moisture shampoo for only £2.99 reduced from £5.99. I've heard a bit about the product but it's never really been spoke about that much that I've wanted to buy it, so I was pleasantly surprised when trying it out with how well it works.

The scent is very odd at first, I wasn't sure if I would like it but after a few uses I've grown to love it, it's very fresh and almost has a floral scent to it. The texture of the shampoo is almost like a gel so it does take some getting use to but once its lathered up it's very easy to use.

The packaging for the product is quite different as it's more of a shower gel bottle or a moisturiser bottle so it stands out as being a different product then a shampoo. It has aqua shades of blue going throughout and is very easy to use as the bottle stands with the top at the bottom making the shampoo sit right at the lid making it easy to squirt out.

The shampoo lathers up well and leaves the hair feeling squeaky clean which I love, it also makes my hair look all bouncy which is a massive bonus. It is a shampoo to add volume to the hair so it does make the hair a little thicker and fuller, which is great when you want a nice look to the hair but not put to much effort in.

Overall I love this product and would happily buy it again even at the £5.99 price tag! Have you tried this range yet?

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