I feel like I haven't done a chatty life post for ages, this is the best way for you to get to know me without following my twitter or adding me on facebook so I may do one of these post's every two months or so. It will be about my likes and dislikes from this month and anything I feel you need to be filled in on, if there's anything happening to Beauty, Bits and Bobs, so here goes!
What I've Been Loving
For me this month make up and fashion wise I've been loving my dark black skinny jeans and cute fashion tops, to style it out I've been wearing bright lip stick or lip gloss with a pop off colour on my nails.
I've also been addicted to CSI Sundays and Ghost Adventures Thursday's my two favorite shows which if I'm to busy to watch in the week I can have a marathon of a catch up on Sunday and Thursday.
I recently brought Frozen and have been loving it, the songs are so catchy and the storyline is adorable with heart break and love and the lovely humour in between it's the perfect film! Music wise I've just re discovered my love for the old My Chemical Romance albums and have put them back onto my ipod to listen to when walking to work.
What I've Been Hating
I've not been enjoying the summer colds I seem to catch every other week, my bag is currently full of tissues and cough sweets which is not so much fun.
My diet has just taken a back seat and for now I'm stuck in a rut so I shall have to make up a plan b and get back onto the old bandwagen and lose some more weight for my sister wedding in just 56 days!
Summer sales are now the bain of my life, working in retail and having to do a summer sale is horrid and my stress leveals are now sky high!
So that's pretty much what I've been loving and hating this past few weeks, let me know if you like this style of post and I shall know weather to continue writing them. Also how have you been this last week?