Beauty By JessB On Youtube, No Are You Sure?

Yes that's right I've taken a massive step and uploaded my very first Youtube video, I was really nervous so I said erm quite a lot and got a bit muddled but hopefully you shall enjoy watching. I'm hoping for some feedback and would enjoy your comments good or bad so please let me know what you think, and of course enjoy me erming my way through my July Favorites!

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  1. I've been a reader of you blog for a while now and it's nice to see you finally took the plunge into YouTube! I'm still a bit scared to start my own channel but I hope to start one soon x x

    1. Thanks! I was really nervous but I just filmed my second video ready for Wednesday and think I did a bit better xx

  2. You're so brave taking the plunge into vlogging! Would love to see you do some haul or product review vids :) xx

    1. It is pretty scary but hopefully my nerves will ease off soon, I should have a haul up soon as I'm shopping tomorrow! xx
