First Makeup Bag Essentials

Today's post is going to be a blog post on what to have in your first ever makeup bag, as a teenager I made some awful choices in makeup and would off loved to have found a post online on what to put onto my face and what your are suppose to buy. So in an attempt to help out some off my readers I've put together this post, it may not be the right information to give but it may be helpful to some people. I also want to point out I'm not stating an age as to when it is ideal to get your first make up set as it may cause some drama but I began to use makeup at around the age of 13.

Make up bag by Hannah Maggs

To start off you will need a moisturiser or a base to help keep your skin protected and to sheer it from the layer of make up you are about to apply to your face. You first need to find out what skin type you are and then work from that, I am oily so tend to go for oily controlled products but if you can't figure it out there are always products that are for all skin types. I would recommend Simple as a first moisturiser as they don't contain any harsh ingredients and work well on all skin types.

Next up you need to find a foundation and one that works well with your skin type again so for oily skin look for a matte foundation and for dry skin look for a dewy foundation. You will also need to find the right match to your skin and to do this you will need to test the foundation on your face a good spot in below the chin as placing it on your hand like most people doesn't actually work. I would recommend you go for the brand Rimmel which is a great high street foundation that has a great price range and a great selection of shades to choice from.

Make Up bag By Zoella 

If you are struggling with spots you will need a concealer the best one to go for is the same brand as your foundation so for Rimmel it will be the Wake Me Up or another great one is Collections Lasting Perfection concealer, both are a great liquid concealer which is easy to use and easy to blend. For spots I normally go for a warm tone to hide the spots going for a white or bright looking concealer will normally highlight the spot.

To keep everything in place and to add a bit of colour or to make a make up look matte you can add powder, again I would go for the same one as your foundation. This also helps to stop shine and oil coming through, this is the one product I would take to school with me to touch up my make up throughout the day. You can't go wrong with powder if you stick to a translucent one to just stop shine and to add a bit off coverage as this is a clear shade and doesn't add to much colour you won't find yourself going to dark.

Next up is eyes which for me I had a lot of problems with as I have almond shaped eyes I would get into a right pickle with what products to use and how to use them. I would stick to a simple mascara when buying your first one, nothing to fancy and nothing to expensive. If you have almond eyes and don't want to go to dark I use a brown mascara but if you have large eyes and won't to show them off then go for a black mascara. A great brand to go for is Natural Collections as it has no nasty ingredients and ins't to expensive but they still have a great range of mascaras to choice from.

Last up you will need a nice lip product to go with your new look and there are loads to choice from and it can be quite a daunting experiences picking a lip product. The best one to go with is one that matches the inside of your mouth which sounds extremely odd and weird but pout your lip and the colour you see is the one you should go with if you are picking a lipstick. Or there are of course lip balms to go with these are your best choice as you can wear them in school or to just add a small amount of colour to your lips, go for brands like Natural Collections and don't go for anything to bright and bold as you need to make small changes to your look to get used to it before you go for bright more grown up looks!

I hope this post was helpful to any teens you need some help when it comes to first make up buys! Let me know what you think.

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