Lush Northern Lights Review

My first review from this year's Lush range is the impressive Northern Lights a bright and fun looking bath bomb, with floral scents and impressive colours it's hard not to like this bath bomb.

The scent is floral and is quite strong with hints of Jasmine and small hints of citrus which makes it quite a strong scented bath bomb but the scent lingers all day and fills the bathroom which I love as well as staying on the skin all day as well.

The most impressive thing about this bath bomb was the colours which exploded from the bath bomb filling my water with a deep purple. It started with just a blue but after a while the other end of the bath bomb started to dissolve to reveal a greeny yellow which all swirled together to create the deep purple.

As well as the heavenly scent and impressive explosion of colour there was also some adorable little stars which dissolved slowly in the bath and were almost there till the end which was a lovely added touch in the rather grand bath bomb.

To pick up Northern Lights I would do it quickly as it's a limited edition bath bomb it's available online or in store for £3.50!

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1 comment:

  1. I just bought one of these! Looking forward to trying it!!

    Stacey | Expat Make-Up Addict xx
