Rimmel Save The Queen Metal Rush Review

I've never really been into gold nail paints but this one works so well, I've had it in my collection for quite a long time I would say two years maybe so it may not still be available to buy but its a great product from Rimmel. I use two coats as well as a base coat and it always works really well, it's a bit more of a summer product and has some great undertones.

It is a normal gold but has a lovely copper colour to it, it changes colour as you turn your hand as well as putting it under the light. It's quite a subtle effect but it still a great one. The longevity of the nail paints is around 5-7 days before looking really chipped it has to be taken off but you could stretch to 10 days.

I wish I had the whole collection and may go on the hunt for some this weekend as I love this little bottle of gold joy!

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely Stunning! Such a stunning colour of gold, will definitely have to keep my eye out for it been looking for a spectacular gold :) New Follower xx

